Welcome to Brannon's Reading Notes!

This serves as my personal page to keep and update my reading notes for Code Fellows Courses 201, 301, and 401.

Reading 7

Who is Roy Fielding?

Roy Fielding is the originator of the HTTP protocol as well as the REST architectural style.

Why don’t the techniques that we use today work well when we need to be able to talk to all of the machines in the world?

Machines, or computing langauges, don’t have universal ‘nouns’ by which to describe things. Only some ‘verbs’ can be universally applied to our ‘nouns’. Also, machines don’t care about styling in the way that people do. They only need data.

What is the HTTP protocol that Fielding and his friends created?

The HTTP protocol is a set of rules that describe the interaction between the ‘verbs’ and ‘nouns’ used in the Web Request and Response Cycle.

What does a GET do?

GET retrieves the requested data.

What does a POST do?

POST adds new data to another system.

What does PUT do?

PUT changes or updates data in a system.

What does PATCH do?

PATCH will complete a partial update of a system.

## API Keys -Geocoding API ✔️ -Weather Bit API ✔️ -Yelp API Docs ✔️ -The Movie DB API Docs ✔️

Things I want to Know More About

How did Fielding design HTTP protocol and apply it to the web? Is there HTTP documentation?