Welcome to Brannon's Reading Notes!

This serves as my personal page to keep and update my reading notes for Code Fellows Courses 201, 301, and 401.

Reading 18


Example, The Ceasar Cipher

When Julius Caesar ruled over the Roman Empire, he used a simple cipher to encrpyt his messages. The Caesar Cipher, as it is known, shifted all letters of the alphabet up or down a predetermined number of spaces. Caesar typically used a shift of 3, therefore, A -> D, E -> H, L -> O and so on. This simple ciphering method is widely known and easy to crack, therefore, cannot be used in any serious application.

Modern Cryptography

Today, we use more sophisticated methods to encrypt our important data. Diffie-Hellman key exchange uses Modular Exponentiation. What this means is the sender and receiver each apply a secret number as an exponent in a formula. When each secret exponent is applied to the same formula the result is the same. In the example below, the sender uses X as their secret exponent, and the receiver uses Y:

B^x mod M <———–> B^y mod M results in (B^xy mod M)

A shared key is established!

Symmetric Encryption vs Asymmetric
