Welcome to Brannon's Reading Notes!

This serves as my personal page to keep and update my reading notes for Code Fellows Courses 201, 301, and 401.

Reading 03

Author: Brannon Starnes

HTML Lists 📜

Let’s face it: everyone loves lists. From your ‘Top Ten Restaurants Near You’ list, to the ‘Five Celebrities Who’ve Really Let Themselves Go’ lists, to the humble grocery list, we just can’t get enough lists! Want to make your own dicey lists? Here’s what you need to know:


Wanna make top 5, Huffpost-style lists? <ol> has got your back! These are ordered lists (ol - easy right?) and will be sure to tell you who’s number one….and who’s not. Follow the <ol> tag up with your list items, that’s <li>’s and you’re off to the tabloids! Check out the example for our top three favorite programming languages:

    <li> JavaScript </li>
    <li> HTML       </li>
    <li> CSS        </li>


Don’t need to rank your <li>’s? Turn your attention to the unordered list, or <ul>. Bullet point your laundry lists, ingredient lists, and more!

    <li> Whisky </li>
    <li> Angostura Bitters </li>
    <li> Oranges </li> Enjoy! 🥃

<dl> 📖

For you bookworms out there, experiment with the definitions lists. Try starting with a <dl>, followed by <dt> and the term you want to define, plus your definition <dd>.